A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.
Have you ever heard about comfort zone? It’s a place where you are in safe morally and physically, but it limits you, makes you a slave of your own weaknesses. As for me, this zone is as a maze for the rat.
We don’t devolope our skills being in the comfort zone, but on the other hand we don’t meet danger. So we have to desire what’s more important, being socialized and developed, or being a rat in a maze, where we know everything like a back of our hand.

Yeah, sometimes it is useful to come back to the comfort zone to rejuvenate, concentrate and get on the best shape for the future.
There is such a type of teens nowadays as NEETs (I’ve written about them in my last blog), so being like rats is their own decision and it could be okay for them, parents give them food, home and anything they would like, but their life becomes useless, empty, boring. Society don’t accept them, says they are wrong and they have to change themselves, parents and physocologists are ready to help, but their maze is so big that they’ve lost themselves there already.